“Proud of your own lines”

Did you know that 1/4 of women between the ages of 16 and 34 are dissatisfied with their body. And 60 percent of this group has negative thoughts about her body at least once a week? This idea makes me very sad, especially because I experienced bullying in High school. I know what it is like to stand sad in front of the mirror. Looking at only the negative.

I started The naked pencil to contribute to a more positive self-image among women! By celebrating yourself and improving your relationship with your body. But not only that, I want to show a diversity of bodies and change the unrealistic beauty ideals. By creating unique body portraits. In which the feminine beauty is captured in all her endless forms and variations. Lines set with intention. Lines that tell your story. In your full power, sensually and in your own way. A portrait that you can enjoy every day with great pride.

Curious about why it is important to portray your body?